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柏林工大中国地铁项目招研究助理Research Assist­ant (PostDoc)Bes...

发表于 24.8.2018 18:48:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

part-time employ­ment may be pos­sible
under the reserve that funds are gran­ted
an exten­tion is inten­ded until 30 June 2024 under the reserve that funds are gran­ted

With the start of the research pro­ject “Urban-Rural Assembly (URA) - Man­aging inclus­ive trans­form­a­tion-to-sus­tain­ab­il­ity pro­cesses at the urban-rural inter­face of the Huangyan-Taizhou region in China through the devel­op­ment of new stra­tegic gov­ernance tools and the imple­ment­a­tion of exem­plary pilot pro­jects as cata­lysts for regional value chains” we are seek­ing a research assist­ant. The Hab­itat Unit at TU Ber­lin will lead an inter­na­tional con­sor­tium of out­stand­ing research insti­tu­tions from Ger­many and China as well as local part­ners from the Chinese Huangyan-Taizhou dis­trict in Zheji­ang province.

The Hab­itat Unit is a glob­ally net­worked research and teach­ing centre at TU Ber­lin devel­op­ing new approaches, expert­ise and applic­a­tion-ori­ented tools rel­ev­ant for global urb­an­isa­tion and urban change pro­cesses. Com­mit­ted to an inclus­ive and rights based approach to urban policy and actor-driven plan­ning the Hab­itat Unit pro­motes an exten­ded under­stand­ing of urban and archi­tec­tural design, integ­rat­ing spa­tial, mater­ial and cul­tural dimen­sions with new mod­els of par­ti­cip­a­tion, co-pro­duc­tion and urban gov­ernance. The Hab­itat Unit col­lab­or­ates closely with lead­ing uni­versit­ies world­wide and advises national and global devel­op­ment agen­cies. (www.habitat-unit.de)
  • Sup­port PI in the coordin­a­tion of the TU Ber­lin-based research team (doc­toral researcher and stu­dent assist­ant), the cluster of Ger­man and Chinese con­sor­tium part­ners and in the reg­u­lar com­mu­nic­a­tion with the fund­ing Min­istry
  • Lead­ing on social-spa­tial research on trans-local urban-rural prac­tices and link­ages in the Chinese region Huangyan-Taizhou
  • Sup­port­ing PI and con­sor­tium part­ners in draft­ing a fund­ing pro­posal for the pro­spect­ive second fund­ing phase of the research pro­ject (research and devel­op­ment phase, 4 years)

  • Suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) in the field of Urban- und Regional Plan­ning, Urban- und Regional Soci­ology, Archi­tec­ture, Urban Design, Soci­ology or Urban Geo­graphy or equi­val­ent.
  • Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of doc­toral dis­ser­ta­tion in rel­ev­ant field of inter­na­tional urban stud­ies, prefer­ably with rela­tion to urban-rural devel­op­ment and/or urb­an­isa­tion pro­cesses in China.
  • Expert­ise deriv­ing from par­ti­cip­a­tion in inter-dis­cip­lin­ary research pro­jects as well as exper­i­ence in inter­na­tional com­par­at­ive urban and regional research approaches, prefer­ably in the field of urban-rural devel­op­ment and/or integ­rat­ive urban and regional devel­op­ment in China
  • Com­pre­hens­ive inter-dis­cip­lin­ary meth­od­o­lo­gical and the­or­et­ical know­ledge skills in the field of inter­na­tional urban and regional stud­ies, in par­tic­u­lar the­or­ies and meth­ods allow­ing research on urb­an­isa­tion pro­cesses, the devel­op­ment of rural spaces as well as urban-rural inter­re­la­tions.
  • Excel­lent writ­ten and oral com­mu­nic­a­tion skills in Eng­lish; prefer­ably also in Chinese.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Please send your writ­ten applic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the usual doc­u­ments to Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin - Der Präsid­ent - Fakultät VI, Institut für Architektur, Habitat Unit, FG Entwerfen und Internationale Urbanistik, Prof. Dr. Misselwitz, Sekr. A 53, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin or by e-mail to habitat.unit@tu-berlin.de.

To ensure equal oppor­tu­nit­ies bet­ween women and men, app­li­ca­ti­ons by women with the requi­red qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons are expli­citly desi­red.
Qua­li­fied indi­vi­du­als with disa­bi­li­ties will be favo­red. The TU Berlin values the diversity of its members and is committed to the goals of equal opportunities.

Please send cop­ies only. Ori­gi­nal docu­ments will not be retur­ned.

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