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发表于 28.5.2008 15:46:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
+ b9 `& ?% B+ ]+ s
% f5 `9 q" b' x6 F& S3 L: |) o2 d% T9 a! s1 c9 _7 S
博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司(无锡)现招聘如下岗位,竭诚欢迎德国留学归国人员。/ f5 a! v3 f  j& C/ [

. E, s. l1 H8 {( ^博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司(无锡)是世界五百强之一的博世集团在华投资的唯一柴油系统事业部。目前拥有2300名员工,今年预计扩张至3000员工。博世柴油系统在目前柴油零部件的行业中居行业领先地位。无锡博世发展前景非常好。
" c' u* A4 [5 h( ^/ }) M1 ]
5 r  n- E0 \  N6 b% Q: p* f2 u& \无锡新区为吸引海外归国人才来锡公司,出台了多项优惠政策。如安家费一项,海归博士可获50万,海归硕士(三年工作经历)可获30万。具体政策请见无锡政府网站。
1 O, {/ [2 ~) a, D( g+ K8 @* z8 K( P2 Y2 L4 a; b3 q2 g
7 G& C- Y  |, ?7 X6 c
. A: F! }5 i6 w: y联系方式:地  址:无锡新区新华路17号博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司人力资源部
" L1 q; J/ R) F: Y: G/ X邮政编码:214028 3 w  f  \- W1 k. W; t% \; c% P
联 系 人:人力资源部
  W3 p8 R2 s9 X电子邮箱:wei.meng@cn.bosch.com
4 n5 W5 B, o5 p$ V8 R& I/ c1 Qhttp://www.nchr.com.cn/my/unit_all_job.php?unitid=10178; |& W/ {$ c' B- p2 {

9 x1 f# D: ^: s6 H; ~$ `* Y6 FController
: R4 H) v, P+ ^3 c) RJob Responsibility:. ^! V; ^: ]9 P* v. k
Business planning, Management reporting, Feasibility study# Y$ G' C: v- _+ m. {
- Calculation of the business plan and current forecast% |. f+ u! C: o& M7 I6 C1 J+ U
- Controlling of Product cost, Cost center, Price, Investment, Overhead cost, Head count- T7 Y2 F- h5 \( r, N
- Setup and maintain the internal reporting system # H9 R( R* R) {) ]9 R
1 x$ g) r6 P1 h- D( V6 @

( P; b( z9 R& F( j2 N, O( | + s7 ^* o/ s2 c2 G8 A+ c- i  F
要求详细描述-- / y9 t; x% ]# `0 @+ }6 m  Z: J
, ]  k. F4 Q2 @' j! ^& G2 o- Education; B.A. degree majored in Business administration
- M* ^) p0 E- s0 ~. v) }- Strong knowledge about accounting, finance and controlling process$ g  u& w* c5 [$ `6 ~
- Analytical and problem solving skills+ y1 P; ^  n3 B" T# [" A  G8 f7 h, L
- Good communication skills to articulate controlling requirements beyond own field) R/ G" G/ f' `9 m
- Flexibility to get quickly familiar with Bosch controlling concepts5 ^) e4 P/ z2 l$ Q, V' G) P5 u
- Experience in controlling of a FISC company or other international companies2 S5 d9 I5 U6 d  `7 Q- F( _# u
- Good in computer use 8 s- K$ U4 Q8 A/ e+ ?
8 ~" x& S4 ]9 ~
1 [8 b: F" E* e1 F1 t4 I9 t0 ]+ h

* B' T2 G4 `8 t2 ]) v$ no工程师相关职位1 X- b3 y* \' w& [9 F! B5 X2 v

8 _3 b2 h! a- h% K
$ y: V- \% ]+ Z  ]5 P% L- H, v
& \7 \, y: M; O3 q( }# \% L9 ZSenior CIP(Continue Improvement Process) Engineer- G' o7 u, L; Y6 ~! K
Job Description
# g' y7 P3 ^2 b0 B-Train the shopfloor leader and the workers in every aspect of CIP(Continue Improvement Process)! l/ `# a2 u  L9 S
-Conduct lernstatt in shopfloor
* V$ |$ R) n9 S1 E: x/ T-Develop ways to motivate the workers to their best
* p0 t' `) c$ z! O8 u-Maintain good communication between management and workers
# g5 m. ]* r% R& X) B, O-Coordinate the problem solving process with the aid of problem supports  F0 n% _& D6 v6 I
-Make regular audits of all workplaces to make sure the 5s is acceptable including line, equipment and tools( l$ {  V9 f+ `9 g
-Moderate workshops with the groups and group leaders to continuously improve Q,C,D in manufacturing area
5 Z. @& d9 V/ E5 |: N0 x* i-Spread the CIP in manufacturing area; ]  {7 {* V' A% @: @' g2 D5 ^9 C
-Develop and maintain accurate and update statistics of data concerning CIP
$ t/ ?/ x; n* W4 V# C* rQualification Requirements7 {# x9 v, y9 N% W( E4 E
-B.A. majored in industry engineering
. T; B/ e# V9 j& S' h3 z, Z! l
( p; o) w2 ?% I' ^2 [' w/ l  N-Familiar with the basic working method, such as quality tool.5s,TPM
% z/ ~! D( U, u) ]' w" a-Strong, proactive, self drive character with people management and communication skills
, G) A, I9 L# A, r0 [-Good conflict solving skills
# O0 u  L4 h7 F$ D-Must be willing to learn new technology and methods and be able to communication this knowledge by training others4 s2 y7 {0 n  _$ z0 o8 \
-Would like to work on the shopfloor with operators and be in the internal trainer
, N) v: ^- k* F% i/ ~; N-Ability to manage self and small team strongly, self organized and active
, Z  W1 I3 R. X, u( ]( n! H0 |$ a) `4 \- b. {  {4 J* Q8 b

2 m+ P+ R% R- A" I1 g7 Q6 Y5 }
: e1 P9 m/ ^8 j6 x; [* Z
1 z. G8 o& b7 T
" }. d! @# c: Y4 W. q; r2 G, _4 E% ?9 g5 w1 a, p0 z, t9 S
+ W2 D+ Q0 L/ z, D& a
Testing engineer
+ ~% p" Y7 Z) @: z$ B7 V% n, XJob Description
( e! {5 R) T; m& T-Responsible for testing machine capability improvement;' N" ?( k5 o, u/ r. `5 q  s7 v

, Z2 q. E, g" y0 g9 l- {/ h-Technical support for production in testing area;6 }: C/ c0 `, D1 C# d  w

  x2 s2 Y  a  e, O3 [, Y-Testing machine failure diagnosing and solving;: H- Y; T. R. o. B

% K3 j9 Q0 D1 ~& k+ l. A-Responsible for introduce new testing machine and release.
5 _. `1 A# o$ U8 u) W& JQualification Requirements8 u8 [& c) x: ~) Q9 @
- Bachelor degree or above
' w8 y. X$ ]3 g* X% q+ j
' A3 g2 Y+ w+ m/ y. ^! T9 m8 h- Mechanical and electrical background or Automation control major& m0 U; T$ P* q  e; H3 F
+ i3 I% m. J* h3 x1 O3 z
- Fluent English in both speaking and writing
6 K$ d  x- X. [. Z0 |' |- b' ^6 ]) b6 z. t0 @5 K/ w2 v7 W  o4 H) T
- Good team work spirit
/ ~+ S6 Z* P! h/ v& \: W# B2 [# ?
& S( `6 Z9 T% U3 f; @3 W- Strong responsibility" b( ?8 j5 a+ G- i; W

% Q: A+ r' j* J4 J- Orderly working process( C4 Q5 b' ^; G; ^1 n) ^4 @

! _# E0 c5 U, @4 ^" \8 y- Willingness to learn4 [" |; I% y+ S  n5 W) |
- o$ S! S$ q* ~  \. }
- Experience in hydraulic test bench is welcome, P% {" S; L" t8 u' S/ g0 S. w

* @7 B7 \: M" @+ x. q8 Q# Y-The company offers the possibility to have training abroad.. Z5 M1 [$ a0 Z

* u9 F6 Y/ h! p5 d% a- S/ g% l+ r7 l+ H/ f
Senior Project Engineer
4 U: ^  u1 L3 X8 F. v. J( I; y  Job Description
/ S) v# N- I0 V  r  V+ a$ i
0 j% i& H- s1 b* g5 w
8 Z9 i( r+ @5 @$ ]-Bosch Production System(BPS)-project planning in Manufacturing(MFx) regarding 8 M1 ?& M9 v; e# [  M5 X8 X9 V
improvement of production efficiency2 x1 d7 K2 R  i5 b, d
6 U" U& N& V; }1 z0 \" F' b
-Execution of BPS-projects together with the MFx, TEF and CLP departments 2 j; J$ Q( T: W% c3 C& p& M) Y

* N7 ]' {; [6 @-Training of collaborator in BPS-principles* c9 Q5 v, o! k1 J" l+ w1 U9 A) {
; M6 r! E2 \$ G' }% s* n
-Project work, project coordination and adviser to project supervision and advisor to
  c/ G* Y' o9 P, h7 S  M  ]
# x# L2 K' \  g$ X6 z1 B2 V8 g. h6 Q/ ?
project teams
+ z/ s# [* n3 i) }. e5 k
* _; J' V6 n$ _7 S2 ^& ^8 F: w* G-Implementation of BPS-standards
: C6 T' T' e1 Y5 [0 H+ p- ^% Z/ {) I4 w% I5 a( W4 ?( F; @  L7 s
-Learn management know-how transfer to MFG, TEF and CLP
0 ^! s5 q  d: T% U+ T7 E) `
5 K; d; @" n0 |( G* A0 v4 i. }Qualification Requirements:- O6 g3 d- L0 C8 M- h

# g/ Q0 V! y7 `4 O-PhD or Maters in Mechanical- or Industrial Engineer or Business Administration with! v+ T3 \  R: W2 T8 {, [8 m& C

0 g% d3 h! L5 N, A9 N' F' i2 ]- J0 i
the focus on production and logistics (Alternative: Bachelors Degree with at least 4 ( l$ O! x% B5 |0 ^0 W

$ q' F- \* |2 N3 h0 jyears of
5 T9 f* H( G! V# p1 h: ^( B2 erelevant job experiences in Lean Manufacturing)
" {6 v7 q& a1 B: v! T, d-Good team-work capability
  A8 }& z% M8 u! o# I: @  U5 x' c+ K! X7 f: V) t

7 L- p" Q" Y$ q. J-English (fluent in writing and speaking) ,German as a Plus(basic knowledge),
( {- l8 B% G; ]* y
% F# `8 h# d1 _5 O' O+ ~6 e
0 a$ R. m8 _. T8 |. |% T-Production planning and control (PPC)' p; K5 @& B# }/ s8 B5 m
" R# v2 g3 H. P$ L2 W- ~1 s
-Logistics Management/ w6 x- U/ |3 e6 e  W2 p8 g. \- X

& v/ W, ?2 U: N; i1 X* O-Lean Manufacturing /Lean Management skills
" ]  v; x% q% I" }5 ?+ p( q1 o
% m2 I5 e) V: t/ Y1 `Production engineer. x* x) C) y  g
Job Description" n8 Y9 h2 m0 U2 ^1 c

, T# a. K- b0 h0 b9 \# H! R3 j
9 S7 u+ d+ A$ A( F$ V: P  `6 A; t& T# u! H; k
-Analyze, study, test ,implement and improve manufacturing processes focusing on current
8 l7 Y$ Z, d  i7 Rquality requirements and cost reduction objectives. ) H+ L! Z. [% D3 f

1 V4 p& U8 d2 u- f5 I-Engineering and design of manufacturing (Process flow, operating instructions) & G5 l4 U# g" I$ x8 V

/ q% w1 {2 L% h0 I: v-Planning and implementation of manufacturing equipment / V- E3 H) x  M
0 ~% {& m4 ~/ P. i9 G
-Improving manufacturing processes
% C) `4 t8 U% j( i: E3 w# r: A. _Qualification Requirements
; J+ |. N' s6 c: w& M
# t  A) l  l; r* [2 V% l4 k1 i1 s: f- B.A degree with engineering major
  o  t9 @% {7 b
# R' G3 U/ K. K2 V5 N) a' d- Min. 2 years of manufacturing or engineering related experience.
* z& L! m: g" z% O; ?. Q' i) J% s& P
-Skill of quality tools (e.g. FMEA, APQP,SPC, etc.)
* P& H5 ^+ E0 I. C' @0 G; F6 G7 x7 B, A1 C5 b  b: o
-Good oral english
9 W$ U: K7 N! |) i" T3 I6 C- M! a6 S+ ~( H) C7 m' Z: H  d# {
$ a& r1 E- d! q0 T) w; o) h2 |0 N. b/ [
' T0 [9 m* ?" T' ]
Process engineer
& C0 B* J2 ?) }! l" l/ U3 ~5 w! d! E+ \. d
Job Description
8 a8 o  o; u/ k2 i# a) r, i-Responsible for process improvement (including capability and capacity improvement)
' K& `9 {1 Z# U-Support production scrap rate decrease; Responsible for introduce new process from lead plant and also develop new process according to production demand. Support planning engineer localize machine, fixture, and spare part." _* ]/ q( w8 h& }: E
负责生产工艺的改进(提高工艺的稳定性和设备的加工能力),负责降低生产中次品率,引进新的生产工艺或开发新的生产工艺,负责现有设备的本地化。$ ^6 l1 ~' Z5 i* X4 O5 m; t0 a; N
Qualification Requirements; q. w' m) S# |
- Bachelor degree or above
8 O6 j0 l, S0 b5 Q6 p- Mechanical, chemical or process engineer8 \! t9 u. t# v$ ~  P# J
- Fluent English in both speaking and writing 4 _0 c2 Z( x2 d& G2 s
- Good team work spirit. L9 X: j' @( n2 z: ?
- Strong responsibility
  a8 r6 s$ v  y" O* \8 z- Orderly working process  R1 z) ]" e7 Q6 _5 G& R
- Willingness to learn
% \& P; l' m: ~7 j4 x) ]# }- Experience in ECM, EDM or cleanliness process is welcome.
% m9 Z6 R) t. @$ c" m5 l-The company offers the possibility to have training abroad.
2 g8 h2 I  l9 n5 A( s9 a% h5 j+ k- U  U+ V
  c0 k8 @0 s, M0 N- l
Cutting Process Engineer
. ~# |9 P2 I7 Y! w' l8 i  EJob Description
" I( I; X0 R, c; i. Z+ u-Define process parameters for new cutting processes$ B  a- R# ^4 T5 @
-Improve process capability and capacity of cutting machines
  i$ W) v  S+ E1 A$ q-Support production department to reduce problem
: x. ?- G4 x! X-Manage process parameters of cutting machine# F+ F$ F) r$ B; K; K
-Cooperate with tools grinding team to optimize and localize cutting tools
1 g0 `, w# @' t+ j! S- Z-Know-How transfer from leading plants into RBCD , }, Q/ X! @, f2 d7 X( ?
- Control process of advanced cutting technology such as 5-axis CNC machining center+ S& v; M" x5 j7 S3 m' T
- Have chance for overseas training
+ V: {8 v& Y7 {7 z0 O- Analysis & optimize of cutting process
  c0 H# {- o& ?( @! X$ a- Reduce of machining cycle time
. h1 \5 E+ [8 V" Z4 @5 D2 {
9 q* B+ D+ B, o# V2 {+ L! y# b) A$ ]-Work in young motivated team
/ |* q% R2 b) l+ n& aQualification Requirements
' n! y; D7 l# W4 P6 P4 WEducational Background
8 ]+ `2 [) F' E2 X' L: X8 x-Bachelor/Master degree in mechanical engineering, process engineering or related.0 Z9 Z3 o3 [- K5 j; g3 _0 e
-Fluent English in both writing and speaking
, a/ P) t8 u5 f1 x. F8 J-Knowledge of automated cutting systems
% u- {! j6 c& X-Good team-work capability 1 a8 X9 [% F- F* a4 ~7 Q
- Fluent in English speaking
% q9 R) A' p' @0 K& G4 |- E" C- F- I( g

# `$ g  z$ ^7 o4 C/ G0 r* kPlanning Engineer5 ?( W9 H& J  \2 a
Job Description. l; b7 X* r) h3 @- {
-Engineering and design of manufacturing process
: `& S" g7 j& A. V& q( L3 d-Planning and implementation of manufacturing equipments(MAE)
  W7 d9 X4 {" S) t6 l-Improving manufacturing processes
1 p3 _* Y# V4 x4 Z) h  t-Analysis, study, test, implement and improve manufacturing processes focusing on current quality requirements and cost reduction objectives0 V7 T# f9 w: I1 G0 a
-Edit process charts and drawings as well as operating instructions and implement them in to the shopfloor
) ?# k# p) g! ^# t-Prepare for sample manufacturing8 u% P1 S1 e" I1 t
-Respond timely to customer complaints and other complaints, providing expertise and taking effective actions to eliminate defects and enhance processes with the objective to exceed the current quality requirements
  n6 C4 o- O- M7 c& L4 k' T3 B-Supply localization efforts, evaluate and implement product parts localization, evaluate and implement consumable localization, focusing on current quality requirements and cost reduction objectives! `8 E6 Q: f* g: K
Qualification Requirements
7 A' E4 F0 `0 J. u4 n7 o9 j$ k' V-BA degree with engineering major% }" f$ D) L' K" J- Y' y
-Min 3 Years within the job scope
  L: P! r! @& ]( _' E+ J-Quality tools(FMEA,APQP,SPC)/ ?2 V1 J: ^- E
-Very Good English (need to communication with other bosch plants)
- w+ i1 u! s  S5 V* ?( i/ d) @% {9 R' z-Leadership skills(need to moderate and coordinate a team to achieve targets)
: ~& }7 a# k' R+ n/ s-Chemical background(material analysis-steel, rubber, particles analysis)
& O+ R/ G( i% V$ o4 N: `+ c, L5 C$ ?2 ^: A+ O

/ j) F& q" k' T8 c
% t$ b; ~& D9 Z( @9 a
9 a* V8 k, C7 r7 N* A/ Y: m' z# S+ b+ C4 h

& @3 m3 j5 S- }, ]$ ^- t7 V, A3 s' u6 b( z+ s. U
6 b* b4 |" M' Z% A
Programming Engineer3 u  q; Y3 d+ j/ d2 g, Y( y1 n
Job Description
- q' u( V. o$ n-负责工控软件的维护和改进工作,为诊断生产线上工作站的错误提供软件方面的技术支持。( M, [& Y1 u( ], s8 ^3 l& G- D
- Responsible for maintaining and improving the software for production control, provide technical support to diagnose the error on station in production line from software side.- f/ j! c6 |) M. K8 z; E
Qualification Requirements
1 ~+ [2 _8 `  s  X3 \8 a教育/经验
$ c1 @) Q' o5 e! x学士学位及以上' i1 q8 N* q# X. m) P* i/ y
要求有自动化、计算机或相关专业背景% ^, A( O8 u+ K# H; b5 o" U: c3 B
熟悉PLC软件编程,了解工业控制总线) y0 f5 {  a% ?& B; \- O. q; r
有C或Pascal语言的编程经验' l$ h$ a! c- u6 o
较强的英语能力* W: B( N" a4 e1 H0 S; p) V# c
较强的团队工作精神和沟通交流能力& M4 V) L. F) i% X6 b% Q& c4 w( |
强烈的责任感/ z: y+ L  J/ e7 |, u
较好的工作习惯, S% [! d( P% d8 Z
4 N) S& m+ y  w有e-plan电气设计经验者优先考虑0 |. _/ E( h2 U$ I
Job description
5 k1 ~: g! G5 c4 v" C-Responsible for maintaining and improving the software for production control, provide technical support to diagnose the error on station in production line from software side.
. V- a* p) }% Z5 C. M9 k. C6 _) B) m) B! P% q. x! D7 c7 m9 L
/ [9 Z. c% s2 e- V-Bachelor degree or above% A, t2 }- T% n1 f2 g- W5 h! g$ R
-Automation or computer or related specialty background
, P1 q4 H2 n9 m* V( f- a-Familiar with PLC programming, have the basic knowledge about industry control line( J9 m' P3 u2 P+ o$ @) q
-With the experience about C or Pascal Language programming- [2 `2 g0 I% l$ K- n. Y+ g$ L1 ]
-With good English communication4 a/ X$ r- x9 n% V1 p) g: F! ?  F
-With team working spirit and good communication skill
  d6 [. l& j0 Z7 i2 g  g' z-Strong responsibility
2 h& Y1 E, K( ~' ?-Good working attitude
% e9 J' j. t( G-Strong willingness to learn
% C- y$ F" m. C4 K4 W# `-People with e-plan electrical design experience will be considered first
% d3 d; z  N* D1 x
5 b2 t& b( g6 F7 o, D1 u) g' @7 w$ W- l. K0 C
Industrial Engineer
$ p5 E+ w8 _+ z7 j4 {Job Description
* n. a5 K2 C5 Z) v( D! L6 \Job characteristics:
3 }' L, u9 J9 X2 D9 r- Willing to take domestic or overseas trainings to improve skills and knowledge/ P; {, K/ \. W% g
- High technology precision manufacturing environment, {; o* O+ V6 [! [
- Work on projects about improving capacity, cycle time, quality and ergonomics
7 S! l. m1 E6 w0 `- c- New workplace design according to latest IE principles like MTM (method time measurement)
% L$ @9 v' T1 G- Study and practise lean manufacturing principles (Bosch Production System BPS)
2 Y* B: f3 d5 D: A% b  y& I. z- Optimize line balancing& C4 z0 r) y* c4 D4 ]4 M. ?
- Willing to demonstrate your capabilities and potential
' H* R, u2 Z# j0 u5 H- excellent teamwork spirit
% g: {; \( i' j$ mQualification Requirements) U; y) t0 w% |
Educational requirements:8 C& ^# x8 s+ q$ f7 d- y" T
- Bachelor of industrial engineering/mechanical engineering or equivalent for years engineering degree: q. f1 `' T: O' H, ^/ Y* U
- Good communication skills in English0 I) w' A; G! n; \$ S4 X
6 g2 m- d8 T1 G" U7 b3 j1 F6 u
  J4 G% H/ k+ r& x9 G
Engineer Product Data Management1 E; l, A3 L  K& S5 w
Job Description
* r  E( p( N( O& k4 z( wJob Description:# _# |' K; ]! d, K; w! x4 @1 D
-In production preparation, you are working in the process of new product release for manufacturing. 0 S$ I, \& K( r) T1 X, O, f" ]
-Design drawings for our manufacturing and make the BoM. Together with a cross functional team,
% [! o, L6 h0 ^9 q* F6 H
8 q9 Q6 I. {# G. D6 H  p5 j4 O% N7 N- manage engineering changes of our current production.
* Q$ g$ v9 G* [1 b. U* P& |-To ensure the SOP, contact with plants in the international production network and set-up the ERP system data.
& M/ Y0 b* F, U/ v; }. \  u5 d. DQualification Requirements5 C* ?: ?/ {% I0 V9 M. ~5 D1 G: g  F( `
You can manage cross functional processes. With your determination, you can meet deadlines. Accuracy in your work is your strength. You are familiar with 2D or 3D CAD systems" h8 J$ F* Y8 c" m* V) ^
-English must German preferably
/ ?7 \; K& N" V9 ]# O5 ^; c-Software:SAP,MS-Office,3D-CAD(Pro-E preferred)
: i- p. J2 ~& P; N4 Q/ H* @-Production data management and administration
* J- G; z1 p% c) t! C
: H/ Z8 l! ~$ u0 V% Q7 v7 D
) c2 l' _9 K1 Y* l6 o! sTesting Engineer
( p) @: C) _& B, k! bJob Description/ u+ q; i9 m2 L6 ^! ?1 I
-Responsibility to solve combined tasks in electronics, mechanics, software2 T: S9 O) S4 X7 E4 H7 s8 q
-Continuous improvement of processes and technology (accuracy and stability)
2 U6 q6 ]: E# g/ d( U% O* P$ Z-Process monitoring and management of station troubleshooting
$ b9 a! [; ?4 T4 y. s5 S/ w* d-Data handling and evaluation
! ?1 X+ E7 i  {-Measurement control system
" l" R! U8 s. K2 l, G4 W3 s9 VQualification Requirements. P- b! M5 C# Y$ ^/ B: b% {
-Master degree in electrical engineering,mechanical engineering or experimental physics7 E* D1 c4 W$ ^. i1 S3 n
-Fluent english in writing and speaking
; t6 @5 R9 G. O. l-Knowledge of automated measurement systems; L7 y9 m8 u; n; T
-Good team-work capability
! e6 u& z- U6 S: Z% }0 T6 ^  N-Technical training and daily work on state of the art equipment4 H0 Q4 i' P1 n7 ?; O) R
-Work with complex technical systems4 u0 l/ U/ x1 a# n' c( u0 a
-Work in an international environment( F% A, ^* z* |6 j" F6 Q  p
-A training period in Germany is planned
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